Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things I've Learned Here

I've only been abroad for a pinch of time, so I'm not going at this like I'm all-knowing in terms of this kind of thing. These are the things that I think I've learned while being here.

Things I've Learned While Studying Abroad

A lot of problems are so universal that I can't even stand it. 
Examples: breaking a phone screen, failing a drivers test, boys, angst with the government

Clothes aren't nessecarily dirty just because you've worn them once.

There are always going to be times where you feel unwanted. In your home country, on your trip abroad, at the pool, at the dinner table- that's what's going to happen. I don't have any advice to associate with this. Bonne chance.

Other people don't have the exact same mindset as you.
Just because your society values something doesn't mean that everyone else's does too. And some of the things you find most important are not very important at all in actuality. 

You can find people similar to you anywhere. Anywhere.

It doesn't matter if you expect to never see anyone again from the get go, saying goodbye after spending time with someone for weeks suck. It sucks a lot, no matter how real you are about the situation.

Shyness comes in a lot of disguises. People who are afraid will do a lot of things out of fear- be mean, act pretentiously, sleep -shyness is not just nail biting, silence, and crying.

Let people wear as much makeup and as little clothing as they want. Because, you know what? It's not deeply important.

Having someone to talk to that understansd completely is indispensable. This is what I miss about Americans. I miss having someone who can grasp all my awkward idioms and knows the connotations I'm implying with the words I'm choosing. 

It doesn't matter how many people think you're stupid. Their opinions of you have no influence on the person you are in actuality.

The knife goes on the right and the fork goes on the left.

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