Last weekend, the program took our entire session to spend two nights on the Mediterranean. The city we stayed in is called Port Vendres, and next to it is the city of Colliere.
The hostile/gîte that we stayed in was really cool in my opinion (but not so much in the opinions of some others).
Practically every surface was covered in mosaics like in the photo above. They were done by Paul, the proprietor (owner/creator/guy who lives there/guy who actually does everything). He also paints, and his paintings were hanging everywhere.
We went to Colliere Saturday and Sunday because it's a lot more touristy. This is a picture of it from afar.
The beach at Colliere
So many tourists. We got yelled at for walking around excessively undressed. Also, see that pier looking thing? It's over on the far left and extends past the lighthouse? We jumped off of that, which sounds lame but was so cool.
And everything was at an unreal amount of perfect.
The absolute hilight, however, was the American Party. It might actually have been the hilight of my life, but I'm probably exaggerating. There was only southern music and we managed to teach the entire party to do the Cotton Eyed Joe. We also dosi-doed and got the DJ to play Trap Queen. Please google Trap Queen if you are not already farmiliar with it, then use your imagination and imagine how that went. Not uninterestingly.
There, I just went up to some strangers with Karina and ended up getting all the program kids talking with the French teenagers. I met a girl named Amelie who apparently looked a lot like me.
She was arguably one of the coolest people I have ever met. She was 17 and kept a lighter in her bra at all times. She lives in Paris, but was visiting cousins in Port Vendres. The day after the party, we met up on the Colliere beach and I snuck her back to the hostile/gîte via bus. We made each other friendship bracelets. The entirety of the group was actually totally blown away, like "how did you get this friend...?" And the program leaders were weirdly proud of me.
Oh, France.
GORGEOUS PHOTOS!! Beautiful place.