Saturday, July 4, 2015

In The Seat Of The Plane

** Disclaimer: No, I did not use cellular data to post this while in the air and risk the lives of everyone on my plane. Don't worry. **

Hey! I'm on the plane to France and it has been très intéressant thus far. For starters, the plane is arranged in columns of three, and I somehow managed to win the seating jackpot (figuratively). I have a window seat with an empty seat beside me. "Elizabeth Amanda, go on and get yourself to sleep then!" you may be thinking. 

Well, no. You see, there is a dinner service of sorts making rounds and irritating the living day lights of us all. Therefore, sleeping is less than opportune in my current circumstances. But, fear not, I stole the extra pillow from the seat beside me and have big plans for sleep.... eventually.

What I didn't realize we'd have on the flight are announcements in multiple languages. What I mean by this is that for every English instructional, there is an equivalent French instructional. Super cool and interesting, but also super redundant and time consuming because there are double the announcements. Ya win some, ya loose some.

Also, this flight is 7 hours long. I was sure it was 6! But hey, hour we to know? 😉

(This map of mediocre quality is the image on my screen, currently.)

PS (Shoutout to Tracy, if you're reading this.) The food was super. I mean that. I'd willingly eat my airplane meal at home or at school. Well done, United. Well done.

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