Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In Someone Else's Host Home

Today, we went to eat dinner at our friends' house (Courtney and Syeda). They live with an elderly couple in a house about 30 minutes away from the school by bus.

The garden was beautiful and they keep two chickens. Their names are Mimi and Rosa.

They also has a ping pong table, so we played le ping pong. So. Much. Fun.

It's nice to be able to see other people's host situations here, because they're all so different.

It's tragic that I don't have ping pong, but it makes up for it that I live in walking distance from the school. And my family.

Also, bonus story: Today there was a man wearing a Hamden Sydney (college I live near) shirt who came to the same resteraunt I was at. I was talking to him and I told him I go to Warwick. He'd actually heard of it (and asked me about our gang problem). We then had a pretty good converstaion, and he assured me he'd think of me next time he was at Hamden Sydney. So.


  1. Love this photo of you and the girls! W says "Nice shirt!" and says maybe you'll get good enough at ping pong to beat Uncle Cajun Moon Doggie.

  2. Who are we kidding, I was already good enough to beat Moon Dog.
