Saturday, July 25, 2015

In The Midst Of Tourism

How do I even write blog posts anymore? At this point, I feel like I've been here long enough to ramble on and on about everything for multiple years on end. 
Every time that I go to write a blog post, I have one hundred and one things I need to write about. I can never choose which one to write about, so I end up just not writing anything at all.
This is the most frustrating part about this; so, as a copout once again I'm going to do a photo post, but it's going to involved additional rambling too. Who know's what's happening anymore. Thank you for reading- I appreciate you.

Friday, we went to an art museum. I have lots of photos, so here's a link:

This is my last free weekend in Toulouse, and that makes me sad.

I shopped today. I bought a few euros worth of things. Mostly I took pictures.

Karina, Myself, and Courtney went shopping (along with Brittney, Victoria, and Seyeda)

There were macaroons

And the usual high class dressing rooms

Cool graffiti. The norm.

On the top floor was a woman drinking tea and smoking

Also, I got Karina to be my photographer (I am habitually Karina's paparazzi), so here's... me...

And there you have it

Okay so

(Roomate/Lunch date/Dead weight)

After dinner, Karina and I went to ride the Toulouse Ferris Wheel that has some super obscure name in actuality. Here are some photos:

"Risk" says the graffiti. Graffiti doesn't lie.

Please laugh at the above set ^^^

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