Today I'm having one of those reflective days that I rarely have but enjoy immensely. I want to discuss the things that have happened since I last posted here, but there are just so many.
I got a dog. His name is Astro. I adore him.
I went to homecoming with my best friends.
I ran my last cross country meet. Ever.
I even got my senior photos taken.
Looking back on my summer?
When people ask me about my trip, I say "yeah, it happened." If they ask me about the people, I say "yeah, I like them." I rarely elaborate any more to anyone, but that suits me.
As far as I can tell, the most useful thing I've gained from my study abroad is the ability to detach myself from situations. This is something that comes with growing up, I'm assuming. But I feel like I'm playing a video game and I got the cheat code early.
Dear adolescents,
I highly recommend detaching yourself from parts of "teen life". You don't have to emotionally invest yourself in drama, or homework, or sports. You get to chose to detach yourself from whatever parts of your life you want, and that's magical. Hate a class? Watch it like a tv show. See your friends fighting? Absorb it like a book.
Not to say that this always works. But, when you're detached, it's almost impossible to make a wrong move; you're barely there. As condescending as this sounds, it works. So well.
Survival skills, my friends.
And right now?
I can't wait to escape this awful purgatory between high school and college.
My inner elitist is rooting for me to attend a too tier university, while my inner hippie is rooting for a gap year followed by four years at a mellow university. We'll see what happens.
I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog, because I've enjoyed writing it.
I'll close with two motos I've adopted recently.
1)"The past without regret, the future without fear, the present with confidence."
2)"Life's a party, behave accordingly."
Thank you, everyone who's supported me. Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you.